Originally Posted by Big Stick

I was on a purty good Urban kick for a spell and have yet to regret any of it.

This 'un has a penchant to tip over Booners.

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Have seen this 'un do the same and then some.

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Though this 'un is for Giggles and I've prolly a few more.(grin).

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Have seen Purple do nice thangs,but never have dabbled the multiple day reel-in or Green Meat "Special",mainly by design. Hint.


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I'm fhuqking cryin'...I'm laughing soooooooooooo hard!................


Do wax eloquent on the "sweet satisfactions" of Draggin' Dinks,Rats and Hilarity to the road,as you feverishly do your BEST. Congratulations?!?

Be sure to "tell" me more about Crab Line too,in case I never Commercial Crabbed or sumptin'. Laughing!

If someone kicked a Ziploc full of steaming schit out their window and wrote "Free" on it's side with a felt pen...you'd stop,hook a rope to it and grab a "Hero" pic with the "prize".

Bless your heart.



In "all" your "experience" and with your version of "knowledge" and "results",perhaps you could pinpoint the "proper" amount of rotting meat and debris to leave attached to tablefare and a timeframe you "like" to add that "flavor"? Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that you "get" to say you "know" a Cutter. VERY "surprising" that you Bumbling DUMB Fhuqks are more than a touch remiss(that means lackin') on the "particulars" of your "Hard Charging" wares that are Pasture "Tested",will "all" that you "do". Laughing!

As a not so curious aside,taking a close up of the same slipped/gangrene 3pt,do it NO "favors". Allow me to extrapolate upon freshness.

Just sayin'.

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The ONLY way to get ANY fresher and now you can say you've "seen" one of them rifles too...you "lucky" kchunt.

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Bless your heart.


How's the camera dodging boat stalks going. Not well I'm guessing no new pictures in a long long long time. Poor sugar tits poor poor Larry LMFAO

Last edited by fredIII; 11/27/16.