Yes Ted, RCBS and Huntington's are just off the freeway, on the road to the dam, at least the way I have gone when Camping/ fishing at Oroville about 20 years ago. When the Huntington's sold to Blount, I believe, they kept the store and sold the manufacturing business.

The way Buzz Huntington told us, Oroville became the welfare city and scum from all over moved there, not that hard working Loggers who lost jobs to "save the owls" caused the scum. I am sure hard working folks moved to cities with work, not became scum.

Yep, plenty of Liberals in Sacramento. And good post on the farmland and waterfowl land that might become underwater for awhile. Our Dairy/ grain/ corn farming relatives have had hay fields under water, dried up for 2 weeks and back to underwater probably for another week, it should recover if not covered in silt. Grapes and tree's that aren't pushed over will also survive, the worst here around Sacramento's 60 mile radius are the tree's that have saturated rootballs and have fallen, and erosion to roads. With road closures around me the diverted traffic is still crossing country roads with 4" or less "creeks" flowing over them, and those roads are suffering the extra loads of trucks and more traffic on the waterlogged roadbase. Lots of potholes are being created, but that isn't fixable or stuff to worry about. I never knew how many big rigs deliver to one of my close big wineries until they were routed by my Dad's house. I spent 4 hours yesterday morning moving water around his house and saw more trucks than I ever imagined driving by his place.

For those who are well-wishers, thanks. California gets hammered here, but we Conservatives have grown thick skin, or we would have moved like some here keep suggesting we should do. I live on land my family has owned since 1903, and my grandkids will live here too if my kid's raise them right. Rant over