Shasta also got dangerously high a few days ago, within a few feet of the top, but not as bad as Oroville. They had to greatly increase the outflow from the dam for the past week, which has caused all the local flooding in the Redding area.

They had to get it down before the next storms hit, the worst of which is supposed to hit tomorrow.

Just like Oroville, Shasta has now been brought down to 15.6' below the top, down from 7 or 8' a few days ago. They have gotten Oroville down over 40 feet by now. Their target was 50 feet, because the top 30' at the emergency spillway is weakened.

For flood control reserves, at this date annually they want Shasta to be about 30 feet below the top.

The Sacramento river and a few smaller rivers flow into Lake Shasta. The Sacramento river flows through Sacramento on its way to San Francisco Bay. The Feather River joins the Sacramento River just north of the city of Sacramento.

From Redding to Sacramento is about 160 miles, and then another 60 miles or so to the north end of San Francisco Bay.


"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra