Originally Posted by crossfireoops
Originally Posted by FreeMe
So - this info they're putting out about 30' to the bedrock meaning only a 30' wall of water would imply that the concrete emergency "spillway" - which is, in fact, at least on the south end, actually a section of dam itself (because of the natural slope in that direction)...is embedded directly upon bedrock. I guess. Or not....

Fester has reasons to be worried. Someone is downplaying this for sure.

I'll tell you what,....you knock a hole 3' wide at the top of that miserable joke, and watch just how quickly that 30' for the full width goes away,....and the presumption that all will be well in la-la engineering land and loss of the ridge line will stop there is just that,....presumption.
Picture the 30 feet gone, and then ponder the phenomena called CAVITATION.



Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.