Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Originally Posted by FreeMe
So - this info they're putting out about 30' to the bedrock meaning only a 30' wall of water would imply that the concrete emergency "spillway" - which is, in fact, at least on the south end, actually a section of dam itself (because of the natural slope in that direction)...is embedded directly upon bedrock. I guess. Or not....

Fester has reasons to be worried. Someone is downplaying this for sure.

The 30' wall of water would be if the dam was filled to top and the 30' cap of the emergency spillway failed.

What isn't being addressed is the failure of the main spillway, a failure that is well below the top of the dam and if that failure led to the dam failing at that level...

No, I think you're mistaken.
The concrete apron of the emergency spillway abuts the main spillway, and appears to be close to the depth of the main spillway. Whether it allows water to spill over clear up to the main spillway is unclear to me, but if that concrete apron lets go, along with whatever erosion follows, it will be just as bad.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.