Originally Posted by MOGC
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Please say it ain't so --anybody who works for or has worked for the federal government deserves 76% more than the private sector and 38% more time off than the private sector .
What kind of barbarian doesn't understand that ....

President Trump needs to wait until the second term then start on cutting military retirements -no more retirements for the "desk soldiers" paper shufflers --soldier who worked in the Eye clinic etc. .
Make the vast majority of benefits go to the soldiers risking their lives in war away from their families for long periods of time . Not some fat legged overweight female bum riding out a retirement . Believe me there are tens of thousands of them .

"Soldiers risking their lives in war"... Thats actually only about 15% of the current military, isn't it? Where and how do you draw the line on the non combat support staff and/or stateside personnel that makes up the vast majority of the military?


It could be easily worked out on where the line is drawn . Either you are going to be putting your life on the line or you aren't .

There's a huge difference in a Soldier who is suited up fighting in combat and some girl/guy working in the eye clinic stateside and the pay , retirement and future medical treatment should reflect that .

The military shouldn't be used as a place for a job and benefits -if that is what someone wants to do -they should be payed for what they do . Work in the mess hall get paid what a mess-hall worker deserves -do civilian kitchen workers get retirements/benefits ? Nope . Do people who work in an eye clinic get retirements/benefits ? Nope. I'm talking about a friend of mine Bob who went in the Air Force right out of high school coached by his ex military dad on how to go about his military career . Bob has been retired for several years now -he was only stationed in 3-4 places -retired out of Keesler AFB biloxi . Did next to nothing . Or Jay H. retired same story -bus driver on Keesler AFB -now sitting back like tens of thousands before them waiting on their govt/check .
Got a handnail --go to the V.A. and get it looked at --etc. . That's just a couple that I'll take time to type like I said there's tens of thousands of them .
Fat black girl a while back at a doughnut shop - I overheard her saying to her friend "I shouldn't be eating these" I'm on something? I don't remember what she called it but she was wearing the Eglin A.F.B. work-out clothes and was suppose to be losing weight -said she had 6 more years to go then she could retire . It's hard for me to tell how old black folks are but I don't she was 40 years old .

My friend Jeremy that was in our hunting club -blown to hell in irag -bad nerve damage doesn't walk/talk/see/hear very well at all and he deserves the same income and benefits as the do-nothings ? HELL NO HE DOESN'T !!

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.