Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by MOGC
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Please say it ain't so --anybody who works for or has worked for the federal government deserves 76% more than the private sector and 38% more time off than the private sector .
What kind of barbarian doesn't understand that ....

President Trump needs to wait until the second term then start on cutting military retirements -no more retirements for the "desk soldiers" paper shufflers --soldier who worked in the Eye clinic etc. .
Make the vast majority of benefits go to the soldiers risking their lives in war away from their families for long periods of time . Not some fat legged overweight female bum riding out a retirement . Believe me there are tens of thousands of them .

"Soldiers risking their lives in war"... Thats actually only about 15% of the current military, isn't it? Where and how do you draw the line on the non combat support staff and/or stateside personnel that makes up the vast majority of the military?


It could be easily worked out on where the line is drawn . Either you are going to be putting your life on the line or you aren't .

There's a huge difference in a Soldier who is suited up fighting in combat and some girl/guy working in the eye clinic stateside and the pay , retirement and future medical treatment should reflect that .

The military shouldn't be used as a place for a job and benefits -if that is what someone wants to do -they should be payed for what they do . Work in the mess hall get paid what a mess-hall worker deserves -do civilian kitchen workers get retirements/benefits ? Nope . Do people who work in an eye clinic get retirements/benefits ? Nope. I'm talking about a friend of mine Bob who went in the Air Force right out of high school coached by his ex military dad on how to go about his military career . Bob has been retired for several years now -he was only stationed in 3-4 places -retired out of Keesler AFB biloxi . Did next to nothing . Or Jay H. retired same story -bus driver on Keesler AFB -now sitting back like tens of thousands before them waiting on their govt/check .
Got a handnail --go to the V.A. and get it looked at --etc. . That's just a couple that I'll take time to type like I said there's tens of thousands of them .
Fat black girl a while back at a doughnut shop - I overheard her saying to her friend "I shouldn't be eating these" I'm on something? I don't remember what she called it but she was wearing the Eglin A.F.B. work-out clothes and was suppose to be losing weight -said she had 6 more years to go then she could retire . It's hard for me to tell how old black folks are but I don't she was 40 years old .

My friend Jeremy that was in our hunting club -blown to hell in irag -bad nerve damage doesn't walk/talk/see/hear very well at all and he deserves the same income and benefits as the do-nothings ? HELL NO HE DOESN'T !!

Tell me what person in the military does not put their asses on the line. Even the ones in the eye clinic.

Oh, and by your standards no one in the US Navy faces any risk and therefore should just be [bleep] upon end of enlistment. After all all Navy jobs are just rocking chair jobs.

I had one of those damned Navy rocking chair jobs and an 100% permanent and full service connected disabled as rated by the VA. My time spent in a hard hat diving dress, sitting in a rocking chair with plush seats in some in the filthiest contaminated water anywhere got me here you you thing I should be one of those homeless guys begging on the streets for handouts because I wasn't getting shot at while under water. Thank you for the nice thoughts.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!