Originally Posted by ol_mike

Retired military own most of the waterfront property around here -just saying .
A friend/hunting buddies retired airforce brother gets $86,000 a year and has a govt job making $205,000 per year -he tells me "I'm friends with the guy with THE BIG CHECKBOOK" , followed by a huge laugh .
You're falling for the crying from military members who can't make ends make ends meet on $35,00 a year. MANY people make far less -but I'm sure they bellyache about it too -yes wages are stagnant .

I read a paper put out by the military back around 08-09 it stated that military incomes went up 80% between 2001 - 2008 .
I wondered which civilian jobs pay went up 80% in those 7 years -plus retirement and lifetime medical care . I'll guess would be -none-.

I know of 2 people who live near me who have been retired for 54ish and 51ish --how much is that worth ? So yes they didn't make great money back in the day in the military but actually they did --50+ years retirement -life long medical treatment is worth how much [+wife] ?? ?? Think about that .

I'm sorry. This just sounds like class envy to me. Some folks have greater talents, higher skill levels, and deserve to be compensated for talents they have, and for performing jobs which few others could do.

Every one of these young people place their life on the line when they enlist, with no idea of where they will be called upon to serve.

If their pay was increased 80% in less than a decade as you claim......so what!

They are still rewarded far less than they should be for their service to this nation.

If a guy enlists at 17 and serves thirty years, he retires at 47 years. Good on him! He well deserves every penny of his retirement. I could not care less how much he makes from that retirement. And I certainly do not care what he earns in whatever 2'nd career he might choose to pursue.

I guess we could just forgo the whole idea of a volunteer military.

Draft every young person on their eighteenth birthday, make each one serve four years for room and board, then kick em to the curb to make their own way.

Are you ready to serve your four years for free?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.