I'm an ethical sonofabitch the first four weeks of the season. When it gets down to the last few days and no meat hanging...things tend to go downhill. Snork.
Although, in my defense, I haven't wounded a deer or elk in over 30 years...ethics? or luck? or Injun skills? Maybe a little of all. Experience shouldn't be discounted either, if those crosshairs don't settle in the first second and a half...the finger doesn't twitch, it's subconscious and involuntary. Perhaps, somehow, mixed up in all this is my preference for a set trigger or 2 stage...which very few American hunters prefer...it requires some self discipline of the trigger finger.
I doubt you can assign numerical values to the style of hunting where the target is may be moving, offhand position, limited visibility, steep terrain..all pointing toward snap shooting. Bean field and treehouse hunting, yes.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.