Originally Posted by GRF
I’ll play.

I shoot a good deal of jugs and steel plate at distances from 200 to 450 yards throughout the spring to early fall.

Distance on game with a particular rifle is limited to the ranges where I was 100% successful during the final weeks of practice. Meaning I hit the jug or the painted circle on the plate first time and every time.

Reality of course is more challenging than practice, so I am accepting a less than 100% chance of success, but I am shooting under conditions where I have assessed my equipment and skill sets as being up to the task.

I'd hope most guys do this or similar.

I restrict my shots to only taking those in which I fully expect a dead deer when i squeeze off. What is that?
90? 95% 100? I dont know.

Through experience at the range and in field, I've learned that for me this means taking offhand shots at moving game in timber is out. Period. I dont accept a 50-50 shot on game animals. (why I accept it on varmint is, I think, another thread).

Some seasons, with more practice, I extend my range limitation. Others, less.
I tend to hunt closer and quieter when I range restrict myself.

Disclosure, 99% of my big game hunting is with some form of Muzzleloader.

Last edited by Crockettnj; 03/28/24.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.