Originally Posted by crossfireoops
Good Post, Burner, I don't think this is off-topic

AB2506,....is the old Forest Lawn District of Cowtown still plagued with similar problems ?

When I split in '93 it was Tongs, Triads, and the Calgary Fuzz had put together ran "Asian Crime Unit" .

Hell of a mess, that.


Calgary still has those issues and more now. Just a couple uears ago, there was a shooting at South Centre Mall, gang related, but innocent bystanders injured, downtown echos with gunfire regularly. Often the gangs are Asian or affiliated with them. Other parts of town are crawling with Somalies, Eastern Europe is well represented.....
Cowtown it isn't anymore and that is real shame! Calgary today, is one of a very few places in Canada where I wish I could carry a handgun.
I can remember the Bowness area in the mid eighties had a rep for being dangerous. That was just good ole boy bikers. Used to be a couple good bars there, bikers only but soldiers were welcome in them too! Had some good times! Never had too many issues with Asian gangs etc in that part of town.