Jburner -

I hesitated bringing this up - but your latest post - when taken alongside this one - makes me want to respond.

Words are powerful things - when we miss-use them we often do harm to the very causes we support - because we look unintelligent.

If we cry "wolf" all the time for imagined fears - when we have real ones - no one will listen.

To call Pierre Trudeau a "Communist" and a "Marxist" tells me that you like to throw around incendiary comments without thinking - or that you don't understand the true meaning of the words.

Pierre Trudeau was the people of Canada's DEMOCRATIC and ELECTED choice for Prime Minister. No legislation he passed was even remotely "Communist" or "Marxist" - by any stretch of the imagination.

In fact, he was a member of the Liberal Party of Canada - a very centrist party with the mild-socialist NDP further left than them - and the tiny (but always present) Communist Party of Canada and the Marxist-Lenninist Parties to the left of the NDP.

Now - make no mistake. I detested Pierre Trudeau - and much of his legislation - but I recognize that he was the "people's choice" - in our democratic system. And - in a democracy - sometimes the people we want to win - don't.

Now - in your newest post - you are calling the men who patrol Canada's biggest city's streets - on our behalf - "fascists". Calling our policemen that - for enforcing a Canadian law that they are bound to up-hold - Is WAY WAY over the line. It tells me you probably don't really understand the meaning of the word "facist" either.

Bitch, whine and complain all you want.

But leave the hyperbole behind.

Someday, we may need to talk about REAL Communists, Marxists and Fascists - perhaps even REAL threats to Canada's democratic system of government.

But - people might not listen - because people like you have so mis-used the words in posts in the past - that when we need to use them to get people's attention - no one will listen.

Good day,


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."