Originally Posted by downwindtracker2
Immigration and vote getting are always tied in,just look at the policies at the turn of the last century.

One Americian commentator blamed it on TV and air-conditioning,and he made a strong case.

I grew up around Vancouver and I mourn the loss of that safe and civil society.

There has always been gangs,wheither Chinese triad or Italian mafa.But since drugs,there much more street level volence.(sp)
I don't have an answer,but blaming politians is much too easy.

In many ways you can fault the politicians for the drug problems too. They have not been willing to pass the type of legislation that would really deter dealing. There need to be mandatory minimum sentences that CANNOT BE PLEA BARGAINED DOWN OR AWAY! No deals struck of any kind. Hit the smugglers/dealers hard. Immediate deportation of non-citizens, strip naturalized citizens of such and deport immediately. No appeals. Significant federal time for those born here who choose to deal in drugs. Provide realistic help for those addicted but not dealing. Addicted/dealing equals dealer equals prison. Encourage and allow Canadians to defend our towns, neighbourhoods etc against criminals/dealers/gangs.
Yes it would take quantum change in how Canadians look at things but it needs to happen. Apply these principles to all serious offences and I feel we would have a much safer country.