People that are this afraid in the woods need to stay home as they obviously have never been fired on in earnest. It ain't fun and I think that folks that spot with their scopes need a good azz whipping for stupidity. The rig the OP used may resemble a rifle but I have also seen a bunch of similar camera mounts in use over the years. Mishaps are mishaps but fer crying out loud get some common sense. Some of you sound like the loonies that predict "blood in the streets" every time a new jurisdiction passes shall issue laws.

You will no doubt ever see the guy that shoots at you if he is trying to kill you.

Calvin, if a water pistol makes you pee your pants you need medical intervention.

All this juvenile posturing is enough to gag a maggot, some of you need to get a life.

I rarely call names, but I will call a spade a spade when I see one.

George Orwell was a Prophet, not a novelist. Read 1984 and then look around you!

Old cat turd!

"Some men just need killing." ~ Clay Allison.

I am too old to fight but I can still pull a trigger. ~ Me