If you want to selectively quote me you should have quoted this:

"Do you percieve fellow hunters as muderers and a real threat to your life?"

And this.

"There is one circumstance that greatly changes the hunting scenario and that's hunting in Arizona. PhilinAZ, do hear me on this one? Hunting near the US/Mex border poses a entirely different threat with the current issues there. The way things are now you're just putting yourself in harm's way. Personally, I wouldn't want to hunt or venture anywhere near the border. It shouldn't be like that, but it is."

And this.

"There at least has to be qualifying and extreme extenuating circumstances to justify pulling the trigger and taking someone's life."

And this.

"Am I'm making any sense at all to those of you that have made the blanket statement that you're going to shoot somebody for pointing something at you?"

Can't you see my point on all this?

"Hunters don't need to shoot fellow hunters. I'm trying my best to convey that message."