Unfortunate accidents as opposed to willful acts of violence? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. I suppose they should be called easily preventable mistakes. The hunters are out there to blow something away and often get caught up in that mindset to the point that they don't exercise proper caution before they pull the trigger. They often see what their expectations want them to see. I don't think that is an accident because they willfully pulled the trigger on something they thought they wanted to shoot and I don't think they went into the woods for the purpose of shooting a human. We should do what we can to make those easily preventable mistakes more easily preventable. Our very lives may depend on doing so.

The fellow tracking me with the rifle still gives me the creeps 35 years later.

I am also reminded of a fellow with whom I hunted once, and only once, who came back to camp laughing about a fellow hunter he was watching through his scope who passed up a shot at a deer that was standing in front of someone's truck parked on the road. He sa1d he would have taken the shot if he had been that fellow.