
In all seriousness, I think a lot of us older hunters started with the .30-30... And, of course, there's the romance of the "Gun that won the west"... (Altho' we mostly know it was'nt a .30-30...)

A lot of us older phardts enjoy going back to what we started with... Perhaps as a way to visit our youth or just bring back old memories... Remembering younger days and simpler times...

As I surge into my 7th decade on this earth, I know that FOR ME HOW I take a game animal is more important than IF I take one or not. To put it another way...: The enjoyment is in the HUNT, not the RESULT.

To qualify the above: I have a trophy whitetail mount on the wall overlooking my shoulder as I write this. To add one or more will not mean a thing to anyone but me... In a few more years my daughter will have to clean out my home. Most of my possessions will end up given away or sold at a yard sale for a fraction of what I paid for them. There is really no need for more mounts to end up with that fate. Better I just use my time and resources to enjoy my life and a nice hunt here and there, and no need for anymore "trophys" ... Except in my memories...


"As you walk thru life, don't be surprised that there are fewer people that you encounter seeking truth than those seeking confirmation of what they already believe!"