Originally Posted by TomSmith
The best idea I can come up with is bugging out in a large sailboat. You can be very close to land and still be out of the reach of most of the wandering crazies. You have a ton of mobility, you have little to no need for gas, you'll be a hell of lot safer than on land. Very few people will choose this option. Most will drive into the "country" until they run out of gas, then wander around from there. Last place I'd want to be is with the masses on the highway. With a sailboat, you can hide out in remote places, maybe find a country where the SHNHTF. From a defensive position, you have a pretty good view of boats coming your way, so you can prepare accordingly.

Pretty soon, with lot of folks out foraging, small and larger game will be hunted pretty much to extinction. However, I doubt that I will ever run out fish to catch and if I do, I can always move the boat somewhere else. I'll never run out of drinking water and disposing of waste isn't a problem. Its easy to fit out a sailboat with a few solar panels to charge batteries for lighting at night.

I'm not sure I could live on fish alone, or in a sailboat forever, but I think this plan has fewer holes in it than most I've heard.

Make sure you watch out for those badazz Waterworld dudes! They hide on their jet skis under the water.

I'm better when I move.