Originally Posted by Paul39
There is a ton of stuff written about the topic of SHTF. One of the most interesting is by a guy who went through it during Argentina's financial meltdown. My own take is that weaponry is just one part of it.

I'm not convinced that rural folk will necessarily be better off, at least in the longer term. Depends on fuel vs. working livestock, and growing seasons, among other factors. Think Amish.

I'm just glad I'm not any younger, but I worry about my sons and grandchildren.



Re: Your comment about rural vs urban: I visited once with a guy who was quite familiar with the judicious administration of violence. We were talking about a real societal breakdown. He told me that for a rural setting, if the place did not have a minimum of four able defenders, it would stand virtually no chance of withstanding an attack by one or two experienced operators. He said four able guys could easily run off a couple of truckloads of your average dumbass looters if they did two things. First, see then coming at some distance and Second, engage at distance. His advice was don't let anybody within 100 yards of the domicile.

Of course, who knows what SHTF looks like? Like was said before, adapt to the situation as it presents itself.


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”