Folks, If what you all are thinking about of when the SHTF happens you will be a combatant or a casualty. The combatants will have to adopt small unit plans to evade and elude and gather what they need to survive along the way such as shelter, food and water. There is no way to transport anything more than basic tools and arms on your back and the planning of what you can carry could make all the differance. Think water gathering, carrying and purification, meat and food gathering, shelter, close range self defense. Think mobile and proactive. Anyone that plans to dig in in most of our country or escape totally by a vehicle will most likely not fair well, do not think stand and fight, think cut and run. Build strong relationships with people that you can trust and have the same points of view that you can meet up with and trust. And last but not least pray that we are never forced into such a situation. Russ