i'm a landlubber, can only get to the cabin by boat or snowmachine, easy to drop enough trees behind you so you'd have some warning of others trying to get where we & the neighbors are.

done strategically the jams would be done in places where it would be easy to mow some trespassers down and take advantage of higher ground

if they have airpower we're toast, but if they have air at their disposal we'd be way down the list for a target it seems

just idle thoughts

doubt it will ever be needed, but a bit of comfort to know it's at our disposal and we're intimately familiar with the place as it's where we recreate

hope i can get my lpe pix by satellite phone & then call my bookie, that's the big worry

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.