access to food, water, shelter, keeping dry and warm... first aid access or knowledge...

even the lowly Boy Scouts have plenty of good literature on how to survive in the wilderness.... for different reasons then SHTF, but still plenty of good info...

armament is important, but should be further down the list, after the above...

and for all the Tin Foil Hat accusers, what is it with the Attitude of "It Can't Happen Here Syndrome" in this country? what the hell makes us so special...

no one would have believed that it was possible for some ragtag group to attack New York and Washington DC and cause any damage before 9/11 happened... but it did happen, and the "it can't happen here crowd" just STFU for a while... until it all blew over...

the ranger managers were talking the other day when I was over there... even the local Police units that use the range all the time, have a new "Special Unit", that they won't fill in the range managers about at all... answer no questions, and when they train, they don't want just one of the 5 ranges, they want the entire complex shut down...

and this is in rinkydink Josephine County Oregon...

so what the hell is that all about?