I just get REAL tired of the broad brush bashing. As you are aware I did the job for 26 years as a Deputy and 4 as an MP in the Army.

My daughter is a district commander and rides herd on the folks working for her to make sure they treat those they serve properly with respect and to bag the bad guys effectively. I associate with too many damn fine cops to not take umbrage when anybody paints them all bad.

'Sides what if I had killed a looter after painting that sign? Don't get me wrong, I WOULD HAVE, damn the torpedo's full speed ahead! smile smile

OK rant off.

George Orwell was a Prophet, not a novelist. Read 1984 and then look around you!

Old cat turd!

"Some men just need killing." ~ Clay Allison.

I am too old to fight but I can still pull a trigger. ~ Me