Originally Posted by Bricktop
Originally Posted by Crimson Mister
You have a whole bunch of people offering what they think, right or wrong, is helpful information to a guy that has been wronged by a thief and one individual that offers absolutely nothing but personal attacks.
You have a lot of people pontificating obvious BULLSHIT and they KNOW it's BULLSHIT, but it makes them feel important to participate. It bugs the hell out of these same GASBAGS if someone takes them to task. What was it Abe Lincoln said about keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool or opening your mouth and removing all doubt? Learn it, little man.

I'm still trying to 'cipher logger's "logic," if that term is even appropriate. He posts the same tired, old BULLSHIT about CALL THE COPS, THEY CAN FIX ANYTHING!!!

He states seven -- SEVEN -- people from this board were scammed by one Paul Webster of Fort Myers, Florida, did he not? And yet Mr. Webster was convicted of ONE -- NOT SEVEN -- felony count. Is that correct? Does anyone want to verify that? But logger is dumb enough to believe -- or feels we're all dumb enough to believe -- that it was HIS case that made the conviction. Jesus Christ, give me a f*cking break.

Then -- THEN -- logger goes on to state he DIDN'T GET A DAMNED THING IN RETURN. NO MONEY, NO GOODS, NO NOTHING. And yet logger is also dumb enough to suggest EHG -- and anyone else wronged on an internet-based transaction -- should follow his example.


Nice to find logical thinking-pretty rare these days

I retired from the Johns Manville asbestos pop tart factory in ‘59, and still never made the connection.—-Slumlord