No they won't. Quit making up idiotic bullshit.


If this [bleep] doesn't cough up the scope or a just amount of cash, you just let me know if you want to make a road trip next time you're out here. I'll gas up the pickup and MAKE time.
"Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one." � Lyndon Johnson

Above reply was made by our resident expert BT a few days back when the majority of those reading and commenting on this thread were in total agreement with this sentiment. I think the only thing keeping a crowd gathering at the miscreant`s abode to dispense some old fashioned justice is the distance to be traveled. BT was onboard with the majority of us here, if only briefly, and is to be congratulated for his moment of lucidity.
If, like I, you have avoided banter with BT by not replying to his rants in the past, consider that this may be the time to encourage him. We have missed the point as to how to solve this issue and BT has given it to us if we would but listen. BT has offered to make the trip,alas," gas up the pickup and MAKE time".Could it be any clearer? BT and the miscreant at the same location at the same time!!!!! Perhaps after disposing of the miscreant for his dirty deeds, attention could be given to BT and the repeated tiresome, vulgar,demeaning posts that this pustule spews with his computer keys on a regular basis. Consider that this would be a TWOFER!!! I realize we are setting ourselves up for disappointment because in person BT would be just that;a disappointment.His in person demeanor I am afraid would be a mere shadow of the personality he displays in cyber-space. Odds are that unless among those that could make the trip there is a Walter Mitty or Mr Peepers type, a confrontation should not occur. The others just wouldn`t feel it to be fair and BT will slink back to his computer,assume the fetal position and dispense more meaningless banality.
With the risk of disappointment understood let me be the first to encourage BT to make the trip. The date and time of course to be prior posted so that interested members can make plans to have a meet and greet.This should satisfy once and for all BT`s queer appetite of relishing in negative accolades.
The repeated negative comments from BT as to the futility of havings authorities in this Texas town address the issues clearly shows a naive understanding of human/ bureaucratic mentality.In an earlier reply to this post I recommended that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" should be the guide.This is still true .In this age of communication take advantage of the free internet and long distance phone service.Keep a record of each contact by date and time with full name and title and follow it up with a personal letter with copies to the the highest official in the local government.This is a small Texas town with little town politics.Become the "proverbial pain in the posterior".Response to a "PPITP" is fairly predictable:the recipient of the pain passes the problem to an underling to be handled.Persistence pays off.
One final observation/query: Does BT actually own a Pickup?..... A Prius is more likely.

"......ain't many troubles that a man cain't fix
With seven hundred dollars and a thirty ought six."