Pg I emailed them last week. Tom even apologized in getting back to me so late. I called Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Tom emailed me Tuesday for additional info in which I gave him. So, why could he have anyone else return my calls? Gave up and try to talk to someone else at the company that could Not answer any questions. Even though I called during normal business hours. Know about my grammar most of it is because auto correct. I did Graduate form a good college with almost a 3.5. I can bet you didn't. I also hold multiple Dregees. I am not used to this IPad correcting things and making them incorrect. And did not read over it till later. I think I posted that after my post. I supposed I could have done an edit... But, was busy this week. So, not only you are an a@$, but you must have had issues with your mother from the sexest remark you made. If you have had any college level psychology you would know that people that make such remarks has maternal needs issues.

Last edited by Pstores; 03/09/13.