Concerning rifle accuracy (remember that discussion?), small groups at 100 yards just tell me the rifle is worth testing at longer ranges, such as will be encountered while hunting. I don't profess to be a "long-range hunter", but I want to know that my first bullet will land within about 3 inches of the intended spot out to 300 yards or so, and even out to 400 with certain rifles. If the group at 100 yards is already 4 inches, chances are that it will not get better at longer ranges. Such a rifle is not automatically eliminated from the herd, but a man needs to know his, and his rifle's, limitations. Also, group size at 100 yards is not a foolproof automatic indication of what the rifle will do at 300 or 400. That can only be determined by actually shooting at 300 or 400 yards, as most knowledgable loonies here already understand.

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