Also, group size at 100 yards is not a foolproof automatic indication of what the rifle will do at 300 or 400. That can only be determined by actually shooting at 300 or 400 yards, (OMG!) as most knowledgeable loonies here already understand.

Emphasis mine and added.

I object your Honor. There is no evidence that the alleged 'knowledgeable loonies' are knowledgeable or loonies inasmuch as there has been no examination. There has been no testimony as to where the average person, or looney (if it please the court) would find a place to shoot 300 or 400 yards. This implies that the average looney, not to be confused with the 'knowledgeable looney', has any recourse for said determination.

The argument is neither answered or settled, and it is requested this discussion be recessed for the evening semi-dressed tart extravaganza.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain