Well 4ager, I'll guess that you would probably enjoy a day at my range, maybe not based on your posts.

They kind of reek of a poor beaten down little man working in a cubicle, berated by your wife, assuming you have one. Living your life behind a cool internet username, is not living your life. I could be wrong here but it sure doesn't look like it.

But your ability to judge me so completely based on a forum topic you appeared to not have read, at least with comprehension, is a poor sign.

So rave on man, it's your right. You are old to me so you get the coveted internet "last word", make it good : )
Insult me to your little hearts content, I've already offered an up close and personal (and probably fun) experience that your "internet persona" isn't interested in. So be it. You would not talk to me in person like you do hiding behind your keyboard.

Thanks to all who've provided real world constructive info. I'm looking forward to working up loads for whichever caliber runs into me : )
