Dove opener was the crummiest I've ever experienced. I only fired 8 rounds, killing 2 birds, and the blasted fire ants got them. It was scorching hot and I sunburned badly in spite of how I was dressed. The place I went to was Swan Creek WMA near Decatur AL, which is heavily attended on opening day, and everyone that I spoke to afterwards was highly disappointed. The fields looked great, prepared as well as they've ever been, but only a few sporadic flights of birds showed up. I was going to stay until dark in hopes of some late birds, but a thunderstorm with some seriously heavy lightning rolled in, and I left around 5:30. I want to go back at least once before the season ends, but fuel money is as sparse as the birdies were! The field on our property and neighbors adjoining field is planted in soybeans, and they're turning brown quickly, I hope I can at least have an opportunity to try my hand a few times around here before season's ending.