Originally Posted by Daveinjax
That is sickening to watch ! There is nothing that can justify that shooting imo. That is cold blooded murder. Chilling to see how calm the officer is as he guns the guy down in the back and then does the plant. It confirms my belief that interaction with law enforcement is to be avoided at all costs. I don't call in crimes anymore or admit to being a witness anymore. This is just a confirmation of that attitude. The officer would have gotten away with murder if it hadn't been for the video. Every officer needs to wear a body cam at all times and should not be able to turn it off or be able to access the information in any way. Trust of law enforcement is gone from myself and most of my white middle aged friends. I keep hearing that it's just one bad apple but the refrain is getting tired. It may have started with one bad apple but the rotten mess has tainted the whole barrel and way more than one or two bad apples needs to be removed. The barrel needs to be dumped and many rotten apples need to be tossed and the rest cleaned along with the barrel.

Sounds like you need to spend some more time with cops rather than avoiding interaction with them. Spend a little time with them and you'll see they are like the folks who work in every other profession in the world...some are good and some are bad, both at their jobs and life in general. Some folks you can depend on to do what's right no matter what and others not so much....law enforcement are just like everybody else...