Originally Posted by JP_Lucas
Originally Posted by ringworm
Let me wake some people up to a little reality...
You can only use deadly force at the moment force is required and nessasary.
You can not use it in retaliation post incident.
If a guy mugs me and sticks a knife in my face then turns and runs I can't shoot him in the back.
Because the black man committed a crime by resisting arrest with force, the instant his quit physically resisting and began to run away (passive resistance) the use of deadly force was no longer justified.
Its called revenge.

What if he slices your belly open and then drops the knife and runs?

What if a bullfrog had wings? Would he bump his ass when he jumped?

There was no lethal force used or in play, there was no serious bodily injury or life-threatening injury sustained or even at risk. You have a minor (if any) altercation, a suspect turn to run (slowly, at that), and the officer very calmly and coldly pull his sidearm without attempting any other recourse and shoot the suspect in the back several times. The officer then takes an object (likely the Taser) and plants it near the deceased suspect in an attempt to justify the shooting and clearly in tampering with the crime scene and evidence.

You can "what if" your ass into any scenario you can come up with, but it won't change this one at all.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.