Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by antlers

Pedro Oregon was shot 12 times "from behind" by members of the Houston Police Department while he was lying face down on the floor of his apartment with his arms and hands out in front of him. They had raided his apartment on a drug tip. They didn't find any drugs in the apartment or on or in the dead mans body. None of the officers went to jail. I lived down there at the time this happened. For you to deny that stuff like what I posted 'does' happen is not surprising.

I guess Janet Reno covered that one up, right? For you to suggest that this kind of thing is common is far less surprising than my denial of anything. Sometimes you just got to come out of fantasy land, as fun as it is for you.

No, the local DA sent it to the grand jury with the recommendation of 'no charges'. Curdog has posted other instances on this thread of police flat out murdering people and none of em' going to jail. And it's easy to find countless incidences of such in this country. But it's easier, and not surprising at all, for you to toss out "fantasy land" statements than it is to admit the truth.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.