Originally Posted by 79S
Everyone keeps saying god help us when they allow women in combat arms units. Hell their been 31B females for yrs and I seen them in Afghanistan on patrols. Back in 09 one the Troops was coming from Deysie to Gardez they got caught up in a TIC they had a Female troop with them she got out of the truck and was laying down fire with the boys. ol 1Sg was telling her shoot over their shoot there she was rocking and rolling. Hell she got more trigger time than half the U.S Army does right now, in that incident one guy lost his leg and another lost his arm. I tell you those Cav boys were pretty damn proud of her... Now rewind to Iraq 2007 that same unit had a medic (male) freeze on them they hit an IED then a TIC Soldier's were down guys yelling for doc and this medic sat in the truck like a little bitch telling people he wasn't going to get out he wasn't going to die. They left him the truck but once they got back to the COP he was relegated to clinic duty.

Kurds have found this to be no problem at all.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."