Originally Posted by David_Walter
I'm not complaining about Rangers who are not women. I'm telling those who are not Rangers to stand down and let the Rangers have a say on the Rangers.

On the subject of guys complaining about "girls," I stand by my earlier post.

David, your is a strategy common to someone loosing the argument. You become a bully in an attempt to exclude others from the argument instead of addressing the actual arguments themselves. Considering you are what, a Lt. Colonel or Colonel in the Guard, it doesn't surprise me that you would attempt to pull rank and bully the members when the conversation was not going your way.

Well I have news for you. Your authority to quell dissent just because it's your will does not extend to public forums.

As for myself, I do not hold the tab, but I did serve 7 years, most of it in mixed units. During the time I did meet some fine female warriors, but not many. I could count them all on one hand. And even those fine female warriors, not one of them every volunteered to hump the M-60, and not one could not pass the male PT standards. NOT ONE OF THEM.

In the real world, the realities are even more start. When you are in an environment that requires extensive marching, 80% of the females couldn't even march with the men due to pelvic stress fractures They had medical profiles, which basically divided the platoon into two marching orders, one male, and one female. The female pelvis is much lighter and wider them the male pelvis to facilitate child birth. This lighter structure make it more susceptible to stress fracture, which affects their capability to even march with male soldiers.

It was always fun, male soldiers would arrive on time, and then we would have to wait around for the females.

Don't get me wrong. Females can be useful in defensive and mounted operations where they don't need to carry anything, but when it time to dismount for long range patrols in Injun country, it's time to leave the females at home.

As for these girls passing the "same standards", I guarantee they did not pass the male ranger PT standards, and the males soldiers didn't get the same three tries either. This just goes to beg the question, how much of their passing was political, and how much was merit?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell