Now for the haymaker. It would change forever how men would have to actually think and behave. Enemy female soldier is coming. hand to hand combat has arrived. All of the old ways of thinking of chivalrous behavior and striking women would be destroyed. You will bayonet her in the guts or throat or smash her face in with a rifle butt or your helmet. You may have to disembowel her with you e-tool or combat knife and smash her face and head into mush with your boot then be ready to do it again to the next one coming. You would have to adjust thinking to what would happen if your daughter was the soldier in question. WTF do you think battle/combat is???? I could do it. Could you?? Would you??

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
ad triarios redisse
My Buddy eh76 speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
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