Bray, I am a newbie here and today is the first time that I became aware of your web site. I went there and looked at everything I could find and WOW!!! That is a fantastic place. The only problem I had with it was all the drool that was on my key board after seeing that.

I too once shot 2700 Bulls eye back when I could see the sights and hold a 10 ring wobble. I was pleased to see the High Standard pistols you listed. I learned to shoot hand guns with one, but used a Smith model 41 in 2700 shooting. One of my brothers still has that High Standard "Field King" pistol and it still shoots great. My nephew uses it now to hunt squirrels.

I sure wish I had known about you before now. You could have saved me some money and a lot of looking for the unique stuff you offer. It is the kind of stuff I have always liked and appreciated.

The saying goes "by the work, you will know the workman." You and I have not had the opportunity to meet, but after seeing your web site and the kinds of things you like, I KNOW YOU and you are my kind of man. All the best to you.

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.