Originally Posted by FoxtonGundogs
Just a caution, this may have been posted already if so sorry. B.C. resident hunters have been sold out by there government who gave up to 40% of tag allocation to the guides and outfitters for resale. That's right up to 40% when most jurisdictions in North America is 5-10%. Needless to say the climate in B.C is tense and resident hunters will be exercising their legal right to hunt in the guide's tenured territories in extremely large numbers, in other words the guide territories may be very crowed as residents will be flying and packing into remote areas like never before. With the current situation being played out I would suggest that non residents look to Alberta and the Yukon for their hunting adventure until such time as the government decides to play fair and bring their allocation numbers in line with the rest of North America. Thanks for your understanding and support. Hope you have a great hunt but please support your fellow resident hunters and stay away from B.C.

So I never heard any more about this. How did it turn out, how is it still going? The outfitters I know seem to be doing well. Hopefully the locals are too.

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.