You are of course most welcome sir.

As I've mentioned previously, but will again for the record, I'm not related to or profiting from any guide or outfitter in BC. Never was either just to be clear.

Now I do know guides and outfitters and I also know locals who are doing their best to end all hunting for anyone who is not a resident.

I "get" both sides and in all truth both have points to be made and considered.

My reasons for starting this thread and encouraging it along are that hunts here aren't cheap and folks coming up here should have a better shot(double entendre very much intended) at a positive memorable hunt if they do some homework up front.

Your hosts might not have known what was up with the local band, but I have no illusions that some outfitters will sell hunts for which no animals exist or at very least very, very few.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your experience as it absolutely puts an exclamation point to some of the suggestions made here by me and many others.

All the best to you and your family this week - save up some energy for the grandsons!


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"