Since it's been a year and a half since any updates, I'll attempt to put up what I know is the situation as of today.

It's ironic that I'm posting on the anniversary of 14,000 Canadians landing on Juno Beach, but perhaps on further reflection it's appropriate.

There's a website set up by the Feds for anyone crossing into Canada now which should contain the latest updates.

Here it is.

I would strongly suggest that any questions be directed to them as they're directing Canadian Border Services staff.

Our firearm situation is a wee bit up in the air now as well, so if you're planning a hunt here in the fall, do check in with your outfitter to ensure each firearm you're intending to bring in will not be subject to some new prohibition.

In the last couple of years I've read numerous comments from posters who've indicated that they're no longer willing to spend money up here because of the actions of the federal party in power at the moment. Of course that's everyone's right to do so, that is to say spend their money where they see fit.

That said, please understand as well that in large measure the people involved in hunting, fishing or guiding are statistically far less likely to be supporters of that group in power. One might even suggest that the Libs would like nothing better than to see the hunting and fishing businesses vanish from the scene as it'd suit a few of their end goals quite nicely.

As always if anyone has specific questions I'll do my best to direct them to a place that might have an answer.

All the best and God bless.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"