Originally Posted by captdavid
I guess we just have to agree to disagree. I don't shoot if I'm not positive I can make the shot, unless it's a wounded animal, getting away. I also don't think one should let any animal suffer, if at all possible. Captdavid

I agree in principle, but hogs could be the exception.

If in Hastings' position, I would have done exactly the same. I'll cripple a hog to run off and die before I'd let him walk. Ruthless, maybe, but those suckers are ruthless, too. It's war, at least around here. I'm sure I speak for Hastings and lot of others in similar position, pastures being rooted up, property getting trashed, crops destroyed. It gets personal.

I quit eating feral hogs after watching a 300# boar hog carcass being eaten by 15-20 hogs, all of that seen on trial cam. Pretty gross. Subsequent to that, my pork comes from Kroger, hogs go to the gut pile.

You can eat'em. Just wear gloves while cleaning them. They are known to carry a number of diseases, some like Brucelosis, can be hard to get rid of. Bad stuff.