In this case, I'm pretty certain she relaxed her guard. This was the same sort of contented flicking you see while feeding. Either way, she didn't panic and run off or start stomping and snorting.

I agree with you about not getting all that worked up about scent, but in this case the fellow has deer busting him on his backtrail. He's obviously leaving something behind that is honking the deer off.

I've had the opportunity to test a bunch of ideas regarding this. For instance, how much baking soda is really needed? What I found was the morning shower was the most important step, followed by the twice-daily change of clothes. On a week-long trip to camp, I have found that airing-out for a day does almost as much good as wearing fresh clothes, but not quite. Not taking a shower is an almost guaranteed bust unless I'm in an enclosed blind. I have a fresh change of polypro underwear for a week. The next layer out I rotate on 3-day basis. The outer layer, the insulated bibs and coat and such, are aired-out and then stored overnight in a bin, salted with sodium bicarb.

When all is fresh and clean, I can be upwind from a deer at 10 yards and they will not respond. On a bad day, with no thought to scent reduction, I can be busted at 70 yards with the wind in my favor.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer