I hunt MD and WV. Private property in both states. Two farms owned by friends, one is 160 acres with a golf course on one side, the other is 150 acres with farms all around, in MD. Both have people about all day. I have 30 acres and my cousin has 120 joining mine, in WV. People always about all day. I noticed locals walking the fence lines and deer would bolt, run in a big circle like a rabbit, and eventually come back to their bed. People would pee on trees or rocks or whatever. I've seen a deer walk up and sniff a tree someone peed on, didn't disappear, kept on with it's business. There are so many people around that I don't see the deer paying that much attention. I used to sneak into my stand before day light, then freeze my butt off waiting for the sun to come up. Now I just walk to my stand, not trying to make noise, but not trying to sneak either. Just walk in, get up in my stand, then be still and quiet. I usually get a buck in each state, that's all I want. One of the guys that used to hunt at my cousins would go out to a local bar till it closed, get up late, tromp to his stand, and start chain smoking, and he usually had the first deer. In 45 years of hunting I've shot three 8 pointers and one ten, probably 100 spikes and forks. I'm not opposed to shooting big horns, but I do want meat in the freezer so I generally shoot the first legal one I see. All that being said, they do tend to keep their nose to the wind as rost495 said. I've been hunting the same stand in WV since I was 18, I'm 61 now. Have moved a few yards this way and that over the years but still with in 50 yards of where I started. I also like open woods with at least 100 yard lanes. I've shot a few out to 120 yards in the woods, but most are more like 40-50 yards. The longer shots they don't know you are there, just browsing along. Maybe it's just a good spot, there always seem to be deer there, Joe.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
