Haven't read most of this, but a thought or two...

The NFL is a business, the teams and players work under contractual agreements. NFL Commissioner Goodell has allowed team players to politicize the institution and by doing so their advertising revenue and viewer number are off ballpark 8-10%. As individuals the players have the right to express their sentiments on field only to the degree allowed by contract. In that environment the 1st Amendment is irrelevant.

I find it curious that the players would take such a stand given the wealth provided due to their skill set and physical prowess. They are football players, not intellectuals...and America has rewarded them with extraordinary income. It is what has propelled this country to greatness in many ways, yet they are opposed to how we treat minorities? I don't get it.

Phuoc 'em all.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain