Originally Posted by steve4102
the first amendment is totally irrelevant in all of this.

The first amendment starts out with "congress shall pass no law..."

In other words the first amendment states the our government cannot pass laws curtailing free speech.

Nowhere in the Constituition or the Bill of Rights are individuals or businesses required people or employees to say whatever they want while on the clock.

A business can say no talking politics at work, it can say to beards, no mustaches, not mini skirts and no firearms on company property while at work.

The first amendment is totally irrelevant in all of this as it pertains only to what the government can and cannot do.

Yep, while they're out on that field wearing those uniforms, they are employees and they reflect on their employer. They are getting paid to play a game, not be a political activist. They problem is their employer doesn't have the balls to stand up to their employees.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."