My first pharmacy job with a small chain, I saved in a 401K for 10 years.
Then, they sold out and closed.

I was entering seminary as it was closing at an extension center and my
wife was staying home with 2 kids. I was working for an independent pharmacy with no benefits.
For the next 5 years I saved nothing at all.
Started a Missions ministry after school, but got a small Roth going.
During that 12 years I worked there, I only had the Roth.

When he retired, I went to work for a large chain and immediately maxed out my contributions and their match.
Have been with them about 10 years.

I am 54. If I stay with this job, I should be OK.
I am a fulltime pharmacist and a bi-vocational pastor.

We had planned many things for after she retires at 60, but Due toher health issues, MS and bone/joint/arthritis issues we are doing all the vacations/traveling/hunts that
we can do now while she has fair health. If not for that, I'd be saving even more.
My Dad died about 6 months before retirement date. We decided life is short. Save everything we can from my pharmacy job and play and do mission trips with my church check.
It's all good.