Wife works managing a big daycare (used my ed benefits while I was in the army and parts of my GI Bill after I retired to get her degree) even though she doesn't have too anymore, she has empty nest syndrome All 3 daughters out of the house and succesful.
I made way more than enough to pay off a chit load of bills before getting laid off Dec 4 2014 from working offshore in GOM and black sea. Concurrent receipt military retired pay and VA disability (earned both....)
Banking around $750 a month after bills and whatever either one of us wants to get within reason . Checking account getting up their again. I'm done working, do what I want, when I want. 54 now , been this way since I was 51. Collect that social security chit at 62 if it still exist and add 4 or 500 of that to each months savings I geuss. Kids can sell the home and split it among them and I will start giving them large sums of cash off the record eventually and set up something for any grandkids that come about. Learning to stop having to keep up with the jones,s and having to maintain a working persons income till death is the biggest thing to overcome to be able to retire at an early age and being very comfortable..JMO...

Last edited by renegade50; 12/08/17.