Originally Posted by Northman
Living in conservative land, with only their "true news" sure keeps catching guys here off guard...

Almost every single person Trump hired to help him win the election are now cooperating with Mueller.
Almost every single high ranking person in the Trump Org, that knows his financials and legal dealings are now cooperating with Mueller.

But, you guys keep your eyes and ears shuts, and keep screaming that the life long Democrat, Trump, is now the perfect Republican President that will right the US ship.
Sure helps he was the original Birther...

You are in dreamland. Your all powerful all controlling Communist Utopia is not going to happen. Saul Alinsky tactics will not work here. We are watching the new Democrat Party (old Communist Party) commit suicide. If you dont see how foolish they look in panic mode you have a problem.

Last edited by jdm953; 09/15/18.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.