Originally Posted by RollingThunder
Aww, don't be butthurt, princess. Nobody can take away your sweet memories of Trump before Mueller destroyed him.

Shh, just lie back and relax. It will all be over soon. And don't tell anyone. Nobody will believe you anyway.

So Mueller already destroyed Trump? Did Trump get that message?

What are you going to do when Pence runs in 2024?

Only people worried about Trump getting removed from office are #NeverTrumpers.

Oh, and Pence is VP. Remember that. He takes over if Trump is removed from office. You can't win. Not until 2020. And there's no commie that can beat Trump. You can call me a retard all week and twice on Sunday, but we both know I'm right and you're fugged until 2025- January 20th. Maybe, by then, the commies will pull their heads out of socialism's ass and run a moderate candidate that can win. Maybe.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
