Originally Posted by djs
Originally Posted by Northman
Living in conservative land, with only their "true news" sure keeps catching guys here off guard...

Almost every single person Trump hired to help him win the election are now cooperating with Mueller.
Almost every single high ranking person in the Trump Org, that knows his financials and legal dealings are now cooperating with Mueller.

But, you guys keep your eyes and ears shuts, and keep screaming that the life long Democrat, Trump, is now the perfect Republican President that will right the US ship.
Sure helps he was the original Birther...

The food chain is growing shorter. Usually, bigger fish eat smaller fish, but in this case it seems the smaller fish are gobbling upward in the food chain.

I do wonder/when others in the June 2016 meeting with the Russians might be charged. We know the Trump Jr. originally stated the meeting was about adoption and later changed to "getting dirt on Hillary Clinton. If any of this (or other statements/actions) were given under oath, perjury charges might be in order.

see: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/06/us/politics/trump-tower-russia-meeting.html

Why you braindeads think the Times is a credible news source is beyond me. The 2016 meeting ended up being a plea for the Trump administration to ease the Magnitsky Act which keeps the Rusky Oligarchs from doing business in the United States. The Russians retaliated by not allowing Russian kids to be adopted in the United States. So in effect it was about adoption. If you would actually do some research instead of idiotically parroting the Borg propaganda you might learn something. Oh but is it possible for a moron to learn something?

Dog I rescued in January

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